Monday, April 12, 2010

Savvy Media

Okay, everyone KNEW this was coming. It bugs me how the media molds and shapes what we think and how we feel. When we saw Tiger win the Open just before his father passed, the cameras show Tiger hugging his father and lead us to believe that there's a deeper bond, something more than just father and son. So we decide that Tiger Woods is a family man, a wholesome man, a man who is not capable of having numerous sexual relationships with multiple women outside of his marriage. Even though that is exactly the truth.
Now that Philly "cheesesteak" "tits mcgee" Mickelson just won his fourth Masters, the cameras zoom in on Phil hugging his wife Amy who we all know is struggling with the fight against cancer and they, the media, portray Phil to be this wholesome family man supportive of his wife and a loving father to his family. What if I told you that there are MANY rumors of Phil and his wife Amy being notorious swingers or that Phil has rumored to have an illegitimate child in Ohio somewhere and skips a PGA event every year just to avoid going there. I am not making this up, you can find these words I'm writing several other places on the www. Does it make them true? Does is make Phil and his wife and less deserving of their accomplishments?
More importantly, does it make you view Tiger any differently?

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